lunes, 21 de junio de 2010

To Dad

There are too many things I want to say
look, I'm not so eloquent but I'll find a way
may be I should start by saying how much I love you
but you know I barely know how to count
anyway I'm sure that it won't let you down
because you love me no matter who I am or what I do
So old man I want to thank you for all you have done for me, for being the shelter where I go to
thanks for giving me strenght for always being there for me for meaning home, my friend.
I must confest that I miss you all the time
I'd like to share with you some glasses of wine
and to have those long conversations me and you
I'd like to walk next to you, like we used to,
listening to Cranberries, Shaki or Duncan dhu
so I guess I'll take an imaginary plane and fly to you.

6 comentarios:

  1. Realmente hermoso!.
    Me ha gustado mucho esta entrada.

  2. Quisiera decir miles de cosas, pero creo que todo se puede resumir en fantástico.
    Es una entrada que llama a la reflexión, que deja huella en quienes quieren ser marcados y sacia espíritus de los que quieren ser saciados.


  3. Gracias bajo el agua!!! ( cómo se sentirá decir gracias bajo el agua hmmmm)
