lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011

Feliz San Valentín

Estas son las espinas de la rosa…

Esta es sangre de mis dedos

Esto es un sentimiento amorfo, tosco y vivo

Estas son palabras amarillas para tus oídos sordos

Estas son miradas que me guardo aplacadas por el muro de mis parpados

Estas son líneas que te escribo para que no las leas para que no piensas en ellas, para que me torturen una vida para que sean heridas abiertas quemadas por la amargura y la sal del mar de mi desdicha… tu despreciable indiferencia….

Feliz San Valentín

miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2011

No Rhyme

I’ve seen, felt, smelled, tasted, thought, and said the most beautiful things and the worst too. All those, my precious faults, fade away at the sound of dawn, when nobody’s out of their tomb. They are guilty memories of previous lives that turn my soul into stones giving room to deep loneliness and endless nostalgia.
Life’s got rules I don’t follow, don’t even understand, so why should I bother? I don’t really know, I just want to see more September’s springs and hear less November’s rains. Sometimes I feel rather dead to alive, but I know death hasn’t come yet. Nobody comes down here. I’m not even here right now.
I feel like sipping from a broken glass of heart breaking sorrow, drowning in an ocean of the bitterest tears, my Styx leading me to remorse and regret. There’s no more hope for me, no more colour, no more wind, no more ice, no more scream, no more beautiful things, no more cry, no more beat, no more horror, no more land, no more glory, no more hatred, no more rhyme, no more me
Sometimes I feel as if the very abandonment has abandoned me…