lunes, 28 de junio de 2010

In Hell

The prisoner has arrived to Hell, and in the entrance, there’s the Dante’s announcement lacking of some words: “whoever that enters to this place, must leave any hope behind”. He walks penitently carrying heavy chains making metallic sounds which disappear where the narrow path of light ends, where the celestial being is taking him. He’s well dressed, like for a feast, he’s walking to his room accompanied by a chorus of voices that, from the shadows, acclaims him and warns him in a way of greeting, saying “Bienvenu à l’enfer”.

The prisoner is locked in his bird cage room. There, feathers come out of his body and the voices shut at the sound of the symphonies of the silent sorrows. The darkness and the soft lights of the night converge, just like the enemy feelings do in the infinite. Loneliness has split his heart into pieces, thousands of them, like petals in a rose. With eyes full of tears and with the soul full of fear, the prisoner waits for the door to get open, and for the absolution of the unfair punishment that keeps him prisoner in this frozen Hell.
Spanish Version (Versión en Español):


Nos reunimos en tumultos aislados, a las afueras de inmensos festines solitarios en donde todos se ven y nadie se habla. Somos pobres hombres comiendo las sobras que caen de la mesa de los grandes Dioses del Olimpo, y agradecemos eso mirando al cielo. Les damos nuestros más grandes tributos, a ellos, los que comen de nuestra carne, los que beben de nuestra sangre, los que duermen por eternidades consecutivas. Pero nosotros... nosotros soñamos... soñamos ser libres, libres de nosotros mismos, de nuestro misticismo, de nuestro silencio, del temor. No temeré más. Hoy el miedo huye ante el autocontrol y las ideas transparentes. Ahora, quiero sentarme en la mesa con dioses y hombres, compartir el pan y pasar el vino. Hoy pierdo el miedo a la libertad y me uno a uno tan igual y diferente a mí. Dejo mi silencio y lo cambio por nuestras elocuentes voces, por la concepción de pensamientos sinceros, por la paz de todas las almas y entre todas las almas. Hoy sigo mi sueño, el que todos compartimos, el que nos reúne entorno a una mesa, el que nos hace uno.

lunes, 21 de junio de 2010

To Dad

There are too many things I want to say
look, I'm not so eloquent but I'll find a way
may be I should start by saying how much I love you
but you know I barely know how to count
anyway I'm sure that it won't let you down
because you love me no matter who I am or what I do
So old man I want to thank you for all you have done for me, for being the shelter where I go to
thanks for giving me strenght for always being there for me for meaning home, my friend.
I must confest that I miss you all the time
I'd like to share with you some glasses of wine
and to have those long conversations me and you
I'd like to walk next to you, like we used to,
listening to Cranberries, Shaki or Duncan dhu
so I guess I'll take an imaginary plane and fly to you.